Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe

Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe
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Friday 1 February 2013

Princess Sugar Cookies

January 3, 2013

                After letting the sugar cookie dough firm up in the refrigerator all night, I cut out all 100 super mini crowns. I thought the cutting out process was going to take a long time, but it was actually super quick! Glad that I got that part out of the way. Truth be told my favourite part of making sugar cookies is the decorating part.
Let’s talk about cutting out cookies. Although it seems like a rather easy task, I am not embarrassed to admit that it was a bit frustrating the first few times I did it. My friends that have baked with me say that I have a ‘unique’ way of cutting out cookies. There are some bakers who prefer to make all of their cuts and then take off the remaining outlining dough, but I find that that is too dangerous! I am always afraid of squishing my design out of shape when I do that. Instead, I do what I like to call the ‘cut and place’. I firstly make sure that my dough is super fantastically cold, cut out my shape and with the tip of the cookie cutter, lift it up in one smooth motion. Super easy and quick! I will hopefully be able to post some videos in the near future to further elaborate on this technique.
                After I cut out the cookies, I baked them at 350 degrees F on a sheet of parchment paper. Well, truthfully I baked them at 340 degrees F because my oven seems to be a bit hotter. I discovered that after I burnt a giant batch of cookies. Needless to say I was not very pleased, but now I have learned to deal with my oven. It’s sometimes bratty, but most of the time it behaves.
                I let the mini crowns cool and decorated them with the birthday girl’s name. Here are some of the pictures. Enjoy!

Beautiful Baking Fellow Sweeties

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