Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe

Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe
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Friday 1 February 2013

Introducing myself to the world of Sweet Blogging

In June 2012, I opened up my online bakery, Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe. Although I have only been serving up sweets to British Columbians for a few months, I have been secretively baking since my early teens. My mom, a bit of a neat freak, didn’t appreciate the icing smears and smatters of cake batter left on her granite countertops, so I started up my own little club (with me as its only member) called ‘The Secret Baking Society’. While most teenagers throw a party or have friends over while their parents are out, I would whip out my baking pans and flour. I concocted various cookies and cakes (most of which did not taste very good) and I thrived for baking excellence. It wasn’t until the past few years though when I finally decided to dedicate all my free time to baking…and splicing in a few moments here and there for my fiancĂ© and friends.
I began with trying to tackle sugar cookies. I had made several successful batches of cookies, but wasn’t able to ice them very neatly. My icing would end up too drippy and would constantly cascade down the edges of my nicely baked treats--not exactly appealing to the eye. For months, I worked on my piping techniques by inundating myself with Youtube videos and increasing my motivation (and jealousy) with Pinterest sugar cookie photos. Eventually, I came up with near perfect products. I was ready to open for business. Doesn’t sound that impressive as I have not gone to culinary school nor have I traveled to France to sample amazing desserts, but I continually dedicate my heart and soul to the art of baking. We won’t talk business here though! Just follow me through my crazy sugar journey and get some tips and recipes that you can use at home.
My biggest philosophy for baking is that there’s no such thing as ‘perfect baking’ as there is always room for improvement and variation. If there wasn’t, I would probably quit this altogether!

Note: I had been meaning to start up a blog journeying my various baking perils, but technology kept me from posting. Although I wasn’t able to post my blogs, I began writing about my various baking experiences so you will notice that my first view posts actually date back to a month or two ago.

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