Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe

Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe
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Monday 25 February 2013

Cookie Weekend and Summer Cakes

Been super busy the last few days. I don't think I had much of a weekend, but it was well worth it as I had the opportunity to make some really adorable cookies! Seemed like there was a black and red trend this weekend which made it easier for me to complete those orders. Here is how they turned out:

I hope my customers enjoyed them!

Anyway, I am super excited to construct my fake cake tomorrow in preparation for the Cinderella Bridal Show. There was a point in time where I became obsessed with making marshmallow fondant, but I haven't really had time since. After many many MANY cake requests from customers, family and friends, I have finally decided to buckle down and study up on the art of making a cake. Most of you are probably wondering why I didn't start serving up cake right from the opening of the bake shoppe. Well, I must confess that I believe cakes require a lot more responsibility than cookies do. Don't get me wrong, cookies take an awful lot of tender, love and care to create, but there's just something about the delivery and set up of a cake that terrifies me. I finally have my cookie and old fashioned sweets system down though so I know I am ready to embark on this cake journey. After conquering macarons (and still working tirelessly at those!), I believe that I can pull off this whole wedding and birthday cake thing. I have made plenty of cakes in my time, but the thought of creating something so poignant for a wedding or birthday party is still a little bit scary (and exhilarating all at the same time). Those are the best types of journeys don't you think?

There is something so incredibly magical about cakes. They can be decadent or light and airy and they have such a range of style and drama. Fondant, butter cream, chocolate, the possibilities are endless and delicious. I absolutely love dramatically elaborate cakes, but there is also something to be said for an understated delicate cake. I lay awake dreaming up cake and macaron flavours. That blank stare while I'm trying to finish writing an essay? Yeah, I'm day dreaming about making a chocolate cake or macaron with chocolate ganache adorned with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. I can't wait to get started on experimenting with unique and more complex flavours although I will say I do love the classics like vanilla and chocolate.

I would love to get more feedback from all of you wonderful readers out there so although I am embarking on this cake journey, I will still be making plenty of cookie tutorials. Please post any cookie design requests that you may have!

Beautiful Baking Sweeties

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