Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe

Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe
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Tuesday 5 February 2013

Giant Macarons and Sweet Facts

So I made some more baked strawberry butter cream macarons today. I decided to make them a little bit bigger than usual (as per the client's request), but they ended up being gigantic! I guess I will have to work on my sizing. I know for a fact that I do not have abnormally small hands so the magnitude of the macaron shell below is legitimate! 

If you want to see more pictures of the finished macarons visit our Facebook page. 

Anyway, so as the title promises, I have some sweet facts about the bake shoppe to share with you. I was thinking about it in the car today and although the company is still young, there's quite a few interesting tidbits (for some reason every time I hear that word I think of Timbits...)and stories to tell. I will try and tell you guys some sweet facts at least once a month.

Have you ever been super curious as to how someone came up with their company's name? I used to think that if I were to open up a bakery I would call it 'The Butterfly Bakery' as I am obsessed with butterflies or something straight forward like 'Ashleigh's Bakery'. Evidently, I didn't call it either of those things. Here are some of the names that my friend Andreya and I tossed around for a while:

1) Rolling in the Dough (my fiance, Jordan, suggested that one. I thought it was adorable, but I also thought that it confined my bakery to only making sugar cookies. It also gives off a money hungry vibe which is not only untrue, but it is also impossible to gain a whole lot of revenue from an online bakery with only one baker. One custom cookie can take up to fifteen minutes to ice! Baking is definitely a labour of love.)

2) Refined Sugar (Andreya and I thought that the bakery needed to have an elegant name. We were in love with it until we typed 'Refined Sugar' into the Google search engine. There were hundreds of sites dedicated to how horrible refined sugar is for your body so we quickly had to ditch that idea)

3) The Sweet Baker (I thought the name was personal and kind of a play on word. Sweet as in baked goods and sweet as in kind....cute, right? Unfortunately, we didn't think it had that 'bakery company' vibe. It sounded more like a blogging name so that is exactly what I used it for!)

Finally, I decided to go with the name that meant the most to me and my love of baking. Sweet Dreams Bake Shoppe isn't just a 'pretty' name. It represents my dream of becoming a baker and doing something I love for a living. Although right now it is technically my part time job, I dedicate my heart and soul into it 24/7 and I would love to expand in the future. At that point, I think my sweet dream would be successfully fulfilled. 

Beautiful Baking Sweeties

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